Tuesday, July 8, 2008

July 8th, the middle of summer, Runners World runners were treated to ever so slightly cooler temps for our Tuesday evening run. 88 degrees beats 98 degrees any day, thanks to a nice cloud cover!

We had a few newcomers again tonight.

Above left is Kelly, whom I had not met before.
A.She was either new.
B.She has been here all along, and I just had not met her.
C. I had met here maybe several times and don't remember due to mu short term memory loss. (Either way, we're glad to have ya running with us!) Pictured with her is Chris who has been out a few times with us. My last pic of him was a little blurry, and he explained that he was just a blurry person. Also pictured is Jeff, all clad with a Camelback loaded and ready to run. And also Rebecca, who came with Francis.

Cindy, Teresa, and Carmie poised and ready to blaze the trails at El Scorcho next weekend! I hope to post a breathtaking report complete with lots of photos upon their triumphant return.

I was accused of looking like Derek Zoolander, so I conned Jenni into a shot to show that I was not the only one going for that look. (Still trying to perfect Blue Steel!)

Deon, Rick, Kim, and Lisa turn around at the construction. Just 2 more miles to go.

Trish celebrates a milestone run. Trish ran a whole mile tonight without stopping.
Way to go!

Deon tricks Lisa into the "Oops, I forgot my deodorant pose."

Hanging around after the run, Jim models his custom New Balances.

A few from the RunnersWorld Junior division.

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