Thursday night brought a healthy crowd of 40 runners out to RunnersWorld to conquer the summer sauna. Coulda been hotter, but hey, who's complaining, right? There were a few regulars missing, and we'll make them run extra laps Saturday.
(You know I'm kidding!)
Jenni without a hat. I almost didn't recognize her! Kim in her new green outfit delivers on a request for a silly picture.

Ed does a little shopping before the run.
Actually, I think he was trying to find the articles of clothing borrowed by the bunny slipper kidnapper. Bobby actually correctly identified the articles and the retail cost of those items. I am assuming the kidnappers will be pleased with this?? No further clues were left, but I am sure they will have some demands to be met. Stay tuned....
Upon leaving for a run, a huge cloud did it's best to give us a little shade.
Trail Zombie showing his usual lack of maturity.
By the time we had gone one mile, the sun burned it's way through the cloud cover and the heat was on.
An occasional breeze gave a little relief. But if you run fast enough, you'll make your own breeze!
Only one newcomer tonight.... Ryan came with his sister Lisa. Ryan ran a spirited pace and will come back for more, I am sure.

He also won a $30 gift certificate in our weekly drawing.
Way to go!!
I am not sure if this is a clue, but this photo was mailed to RunnersWorld today along with a small tuft of blue fur that may have been from our bunny slipper. This may be a tip as to where the bunny is, where a clue is, where we'll meet to negotiate, or maybe where yet another clue is. Be on the lookout for this tree.

Turns out this was indeed a clue in the bunny slipper abduction case. The photo was passed around before our run tonight. Some were skeptical, but some studied the photo long and hard. 
Marvin studied the photo for a few minutes, and then announced it was an x-ray of his knees.
Bobby was awarded a nice Sunmart hat for his keen eye in finding last Tuesday's clue.

Then it was out the door to run. It was hot, but hey....we're getting used to it, right?? Some went six miles, some went three. Some people like me went 4.455 miles. Why?? Just because!
Simone comes breezing back towards the store, having uncovered yet another clue in the bunny slipper case! Good detective work!!
Jenni brought her brother Joseph tonight to run with us. We hope you come back!
Carmie and Sonya taking it easy. Carmie seems to have recovered nicely from her El Scorcho run.
Ruth and Jamie hanging out and rehydrating after their run.
Here is what was discovered hidden in the tree with the knots.
It looks like a tree with some buildings in the background. Given the riddle printed on the other side, it seems as though we are to try to find the tree, the building? Hopefully it'll be clear on Saturday. (Clicking on the picture will blow up the size so it can be read. Plus, you'll get a close-up of Simone! ;-) )
Thank you again Simone for your help in finding our kidnapped bunny slipper!
New rules for the shirt alert: there will be a drawing ONCE A WEEK. Check with Kathy for more complete details. Be sure to wear your RunnersWorld shirts to have a chance to win some really great prizes. Tonight, Marvin won a $30 gift certificate. That'll buy a whole boatload of GU.
In the spotlight Tuesday were CARMIE and CINDY.
These ladies just got back from El Scorcho, a 50K in Ft Worth, TX. According to the El Scorcho website, it was "Dark. Steamy. Hot. Sweaty." This was the 1st ultra-marathon for these girls El Scorcho is a 31.1 mile race in which they started at midnight and ran 3.1 mile loops ALL NIGHT LONG, finishing in just a little over 6 hours....6:18 to be exact. The temps were in the upper 70s, but the humidities were sky high, making for an awful heat index. Carmie and Cindy trained together faithfully, getting in ample miles during the week and on Saturday. When they were not running along the river in 90 degree heat, they were power-walking, moving at a pace faster than run pace. They did their homework and aced their test!
I hope to post their report and some pictures in the next few days.
Tonight we had 3 newcomers run with us.

Pictured above are Jamie, David, and Jeff at the bottom. We're glad to have you out to run with us!
Then we were off and running. It was a good night to sweat, drink, and sweat some more.
Marvin claims to be #1, while Steve shows a pair of fives.

Ed comes up short with a pair of twos.
Dana, Kathy, Roman, and Patty make up the last group of runners.
Kathy is A. Almost to do a face-plant after tripping on the last plank on the bridge. B. Doing the Village People's "YMCA" dance routine. C. Breathing in the refreshing air that drifts over from across the river.
Bobby, sleuthful detective that he is,
found another ransom note from the bunny slipper kidnapper.

It seems that we are finally getting told what the kidnapper's demands are. It also is clear that he/she has awful feet, and a sick appetite. Anchovy flavored Shot Bloks????? YUK!!!