The bunny slippers spent the week at the lake, and were fitted with designer Dry-Fit diapers! This week, they were awarded to Angie, who will no doubt take them to Disneyland!
Then it was out the door and away to run.
We had to find a new route to run since Crossland construction has began the re-doing of the river trails from 31st to 51st. They do put up a pretty speedy chain link fence. T Z, who is famous for badly drawn maps of Turkey Mountain distributed some directions to navigate through the neighborhood to the crosswalk at 49th street. Let's just say that Search and Rescue was not needed today. WHEW! An improved route along with some strategically placed spray painted arrows will make things go smoother next Thursday.
It was a hot run. Can't wait for the middle of July and August.
Maybe i'll get rid of another pound or two.
I think it'd be fun to weigh before and after our runs to see how much we actually sweat off. Seriously, that would show you how much you need to be drinking.
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