Poker on ice (well....let's just say it was cold)
Ya know, it seems like we can have a decent week of weather, with nice running days in the 60-70 degree range, but come Saturday morning on our long run day, and it is C C COLD!!! This past Saturday was no exception. Since this Saturday was the semi-annual Poker Run put on by TATUR, we met at 6:00 to begin our mileage. The middle-of-the-pack marathoners actually started at 6:00 and the speedy ones got to sleep in an extra 30 minutes. Lucky dogs!
And so it was, we ran nearly an hour in the darkness which included some miles directly into a fierce north wind, a 6 mile serpentine loop, and a 3 mile slighlty modified trapezoidical loop for a total of 9 miles, and then we gathered for the poker run, a 5 mile amble which brought our total to 14 miles. The half marathoners and newbies were even luckier than the 26.2ers, as they got to sleep in a little more yet as their long run was not as long this week. (Can you tell someone missed their sleep?)(And coffee?)
Around 180 runners anted up $5.00 and were dealt a card, and away we all ran. After one mile, we were dealt a second card.
After another mile, and then at the 2.5 mile turnaround, we were dealt more cards. My hand was rapidly deteriorating, and my one prayer was to somehow make a pair. Woo hoo!
Finally, after being dealt 6 cards (7 total were dealt and the best 5 were used for your hand), I accumulated a PAIR OF FOURS!
Feeling relieved at the probability of NOT having the WORST hand, and also feeling perhaps a little overconfident, I challenged this guy to some strip poker.
(Not that I wanted to see him in his undies, I just wanted his threads!) This is Ken Saveth, a good friend of mine who runs with us on Saturdays when he is in town, and he always wears the COOLEST running clothes! He declined to bet, and good thing...I would have beat him!
One weird thing about never know just what you will find just laying in the grass! Actually, TATUR Dave is resting his shin. Hoping his mystery pain goes away real soon. Same goes for Sandra who got a bad case of the ouchies in her run Saturday.
I don't know names, but I do remember some incredible poker hands being turned in. Seems there was 4 aces, 4 kings, and someone I think had a straight flush.
People get killed for coming up with that sort of hand in the poker games I have been in. But the way this game worked, was the highest hands got their choice of a huge plethora of gifts, ranging from race entries, Tatur memberships, gift certificates, very nice tech running gear, valentine chocolate (yum), socks, water bottles, and other great stuff. Everyone who turned in their poker hand won something, and most everything was worth a whole lot more than the $5.00 ante paid.
Special thanks to all who volunteered at the run, freezing their tush off while handing out cards, organizing poker hands after the run, and working to sign people up and help with the prize table. And a huge thank you to my good friend Dan Threlkeld who came out to help in spite of the less than pleasant weather. He is a brave man.
Now a quick last note....we had 4 of our group go to Kansas City to run in the Psycho Wyco Trail run. Lisa and Jason, along with Janeen and Kate ran this race....and you think it was cold in Tulsa....well, I cannot wait to hear it from them. Ask about it when you see them!
Looks like you guys had fun.
Ahhh! The nice hot shower after I got home from that cold run sure felt nice. Oh, and so did the long nap.
It was a GREAT time. I will say however that the pre-poker run @ 6 AM was frigid! It was okay once we got started but after stopping after the first loop, I felt hat all of that sweat was forming ice on the ole' bod.
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