Thursday, December 8, 2011

Spring Training Orientation

Tonight (Thursday, for those reading this on a day other than Thursday) we had the orientation for the 2012 Spring Training Programs. Nearly 100 runners attended, and many signed up but could not stay. Among the throng were several returnees, which is a testament to how effective this program is. At least half of those attending were taking the leap to start their training for their first half or full marathon. Looking around the room at all the new faces, I see people who in a few months will be my best friends--life-long friends. Running does that.
Kathy and Brian tag-teamed the instructions, explaning the process of training and encouraging the new runners. In a little over four months, these new runners will be marathoners or half marathoners, laden with race bling and most likely an a running addiction that will enrich their lives.

There is another orientation next Monday December 12th, 6:00 pm, again at RunnersWorld Tulsa

The First Official Training Run - Saturday December 17th, 8:00 am at Veterans Park

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