Thursday, December 29, 2011

Meet Amanda and Edward

Monday and Thursday evening runs have been superbulous lately, with unseasonably warm temps making for pristine running conditions. Good crowds have been logging their miles, running 3-6 miles (or more) from the store and back. One of our new runners, Amanda, is putting in the training for her 1st marathon. Amanda ran the half at Rt 66 last month, and has drank the koolaid. Her half finish was a trying one, and she vows to have an easier time in OKC. Running a 10-11 pace, she easily covered 6 miles Thursday evening. She always has a smile on her face, and has the attitude to excel in her training.

Another colorful character is Edward Snow. Edward got to RW early Thursday to shop for an outfit to wear to Race Into the New Year. He tried on several different outfits, and finally decided on this green cotton tee. Edward is one of our group leaders, and is a real encourager, often coming out early Saturday and running a few extra miles with someone needing company, and then going extra miles later to accommodate another group members schedule. What a guy.

See you all Saturday at midnight!!!

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