When: Saturday, June 26, 2010 6:45 AM-8:30 AM (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada).
Where: Veteran's Park (21st & Boulder)
Hey Dom-N-8-RZ, I hope that all you 'Noes and 'Nettes have had a great week, and that everyone has successfully rinsed the last salt streaked crusty remnants from last weeks inaugural 2010 Summer/Fall Runners World Marathon Training Run. It's a little too early to start counting down the weeks until our "Fall porton" of the training, but it wouldn't be out of order to wish for periodic breaks in our current inferno - anytime on Friday night or early Saturday morning would be just fine, thank you very much. Here's hoping that Week 2 doesn't literally leave us "weak too".
Before going any further, it's time to answer a question from an especially alert, shockingly upright, and newly minted fellow 'Noe:
Larry asks: So, Larry, we all really appreciate receiving the weakly arguably informative-ish emails alerting us on when and where we are running, but is it necessary that we receive the notice 15 or so times within a matter of a couple of days, and further that there has to be so much confusion and misinformation on where we're supposed to meet?
Larry answers: Thanks for the great question, and we further appreciate you maintaining your cool and not going all heat stroke on us, particularly recognizing your rather steamy past. Being direct, honest, and irresponsive to your question, I must disclose that one of our nameless, soccer lovin', potatoe cravin', pub trawlin' co-run leaders came to the obviously flawed conclusion that the Dom-N-8-RZ were a little on the "slow side", and that we would need to spit out the same info multiple times in order to get it to sink in. I may have slightly mixed up some of the minor and insignificant details, but you can be assured that the gist of the answer is pretty much as I choose to remember and recreate the story.
So, speaking of Irish Ken, he, Patty, and I hereby vow to do our best to provide you with reasonably believable answers to any running related questions that you come up with as we continue our Marathon training adventure.

We take our inspiration from RW's zenmaster, AKA "Pretty Boy" Brian, who has never allowed his obvious lack of knowledge on a subject hinder his ability to provide a misguided response. Our one condition to providing such pseudo valuable and absolutely free advice, which I'm sure everyone can readily appreciate, is that you must reciprocally vow to never check the accuracy nor the applicability of our responses. Getting alignment over these basic and reasonable rules early on will go a long ways towards ensuring that we can collectively agree that run leaders advice and helpful comments enjoy the extensive legal protection and full indemnification that they so clearly deserve.
Which brings us to this Saturday's 8 mile training run. Our route will generally follow most of last week's route, which will be beneficial unless you somehow underachieved in navigating last Saturday. To get the extra mile, we will follow the MidLand Valley Trail to 15th Street (versus 18th) before looping back to Veteran's Park. We are scheduled to report again at 6:45 AM 'ish, so plan on getting there a few minutes early to secure those prime parking spaces and to get front row seats to fully inhale Brian's words of wisdom.
Also, the running trail still has plenty of open space that we need to fill, so encourage your current friends and future adversaries to join us, test run us, and kick the soles (basically anything that doesn't involve checking the oil level) for a no obligation, minimally harassing experience. This is the "Run now, Join Later" plan. Once again, rumors of prizes to whoever brings the most guests were vividly imagined. For those who have signed up but missed last week, come on out on Saturday, and rest assured that there were very few bite marks reported from last week's run (technically, there were very few reports from before the run).